This article throws light upon the top six types of questionnaire’s designed for personnel development evaluation. The types are: 1. Human Resources Goal Identification 2. Situation Analysis 3. Needs Assessment 4. Development Plans 5. Plans Execution 6. Executive Control & Corrective Action.

Personnel Development Evaluation: Questionnaire Type # 1.

Human Resources Goal Identification:

(a) What demands do the corporate plans place upon the organisational environment and human resources?

(b) Has the organisation assessed its requirement as to the kind of people with necessary skills, perform­ance capabilities, and leadership styles?

Personnel Development Evaluation: Questionnaire Type # 2.


Situation Analysis:

Does the organisation analyse in detail:

(a) The present status and nature of corporate culture, people, human resources systems and personnel pro­grammes?

(b) The existing inventory of managerial skills and spe­cialised skills?


(c) The prevailing leadership style and management pro­file?

Personnel Development Evaluation: Questionnaire Type # 3.

Needs Assessment:

Does the organisation ascertain:

(a) The gaps between the future requirements for its human resources and working environment and the status quo?


(b) The key needs in terms of management abilities, technical skills, staff strength, succession, organisa­tional values, performance, productivity and so on?

Personnel Development Evaluation: Questionnaire Type # 4.

Development Plans:

(a) Have the developmental steps or actions necessary to upgrade the organisation’s people and culture (to the level envisaged in the overall corporate plan) been clearly identified and programmes undertaken?

(b) What priorities, costs, resources and probabilities of success are considered to meet these developmental plans and methods?

Personnel Development Evaluation: Questionnaire Type # 5.


Plans Execution:

How does the organisation design, communicate, phase in, and gain individual commitment to the various elements of personnel development plans?

Personnel Development Evaluation: Questionnaire Type # 6.

Executive Control & Corrective Action:

(a) How is the progress towards human resources devel­opment goals measured?


(b) What level of actual performance (i.e. yardstick) has been considered as an acceptable progress in each development plan area?

(c) How does sin enterprise assess in advance the obsta­cles or barriers in the fulfilment of development needs?

(d) How is the development strategy modified through experience and remedial actions?