Archive | Assets

Valuation of Intangible Assets | Accounting

The below mentioned article provides an overview on the Valuation of Intangible Assets:- 1. Meaning of Intangible Asset 2. Process of Valuation of Intangible Assets 3. Recognition and Initial Measurement 4. Separate Acquisition 5. Acquisition by Way of a Government Grant 6. Cost of an Internally Generated 7. Recognition of an Expense 8. Amortization 9. Impairment Losses 10. Retirements and Disposals. [...]

By |2016-06-28T10:12:43+00:00June 28, 2016|Intangible Assets|Comments Off on Valuation of Intangible Assets | Accounting

Assets: Definition, Characteristics and Objectives

In this article we will discuss about Assets:- 1. Definition of Assets 2. Characteristics of Assets 3. Objectives of Valuation 4. Types. Definition of Assets: Financial accounting has basic elements like assets, liabilities, owners' equity, revenue, expenses and net income (or net loss) which are related to the economic resources, economic obligations, residual interest and changes in them. Similarly, balance [...]

By |2016-06-18T07:01:38+00:00June 18, 2016|Assets|Comments Off on Assets: Definition, Characteristics and Objectives

Top 4 Valuation Concepts of Assets (With Evaluation)

The following points highlight the top four valuation concepts of assets. The concepts are: 1. Historical Cost 2. Current Entry Price (Replacement Cost) 3. Current Exit Price (Net Realisable Value) 4. Present Value of Expected Cash Flows. Valuation Concept # 1. Historical Cost: Cost has been the most common valuation concept in the traditional accounting structure. Assets are generally recorded [...]

By |2016-06-18T07:01:38+00:00June 18, 2016|Assets|Comments Off on Top 4 Valuation Concepts of Assets (With Evaluation)
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