Archive | Shareholders

Shareholder Value Analysis (SVA) | Financial Management

Shareholder Value Analysis (SVA) is an approach to financial management developed in 1980s, which focuses on the creation of economic value for shareholders, as measured by share price performance and flow of funds. SVA is used as a way of linking management strategy and decisions to the creation of value for shareholders. The investment, business and financial decisions, both strategic [...]

By |2016-12-12T08:06:14+00:00December 12, 2016|Shareholders|Comments Off on Shareholder Value Analysis (SVA) | Financial Management

General Shareholders Meeting of a Company

The following points highlight the top three kinds of general shareholders meeting of a company. The kinds are: 1. Statutory Meeting 2. Annual General Meeting 3. Extraordinary General Meeting. Shareholders Meeting: Kind # 1. Statutory Meeting: Every public company limited by shares, and limited by guarantee and having a share capital, must hold a general meeting of its members within [...]

By |2016-06-28T10:12:44+00:00June 28, 2016|Shareholders|Comments Off on General Shareholders Meeting of a Company

Meeting of Shareholders

The following points highlight the five main criteria required during meeting of shareholders. The criteria are: 1. Quorum 2. Voting 3. Resolutions 4. Copies to be Filed with the Registrar 5. Minutes Books. Meeting of Shareholders: Criteria # 1. Quorum: The quorum for the general meetings of the company is five persons personally present for public companies and two for [...]

By |2016-06-28T10:12:44+00:00June 28, 2016|Shareholders|Comments Off on Meeting of Shareholders
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