After reading this article you will learn about Performance Appraisal:- 1. Performance Appraisal Model 2. Suggested Method for Performance Appraisal.
Performance Appraisal Model:
The basic objective of the appraisal is to evaluate the work performance of the employees in relation to the set goals of the organisation so that the following requirements can be identified, and if necessary, effectively carried out:
(i) Training programmes for personnel development,
(ii) Job specification,
(iii) Norms for new recruits,
(iv) Job enlargement/enrichment/development,
(v) Salary administration, etc.
Thus performance appraisal, in these respects, focuses on organisation development having an appropriate emphasis on personnel development. To sum up, by improving the probability that good performance will be recognised and rewarded and poor performance corrected a sound appraisal programme can contribute both to the Organisational morale and Organisational performance.
Suggested Method for Performance Appraisal:
In many appraisal systems, it has been seen that the ratings for the attributes are given as: Excellent, Very Good, Good, etc. or as 4, 3, 2, 1. Such rating system gives rise to an ‘halo effect’ as a single dominant trait of an appraise (say, highly amicable person) may influence the appraiser. This single factor may overshadow all other factors without any objective evaluation.
A suggested method of rating (i.e. Model) is given here.
In this system the appraiser has to tick the appropriate rating which he considers applicable. The personnel department assigns the weightage to the different rating. For example, for R & D personnel higher weightage is assigned to the factor “creativity” than say “leadership”. In other words each rating corresponding to a factor is assigned different weightage depending upon the nature of job/department.
The value of weightage is not made known to the appraiser, and hence he does not know the final rating. The merit of the system is that it indirectly forces the appraiser to concentrate on the appraisers’ traits rather than on the rating. This system makes the appraiser free from any influence.
The ratings and the factors are mixed up every year, and hence it is very difficult for the appraised to get influenced by his past rating. In the given model there is less tendency for the appraiser to fall prey to bias or halo effect (intentional or unintentional) and hence the accuracy of rating is improved.