Tag Archives | Consolidations

Consolidation by Step Acquisition | Business Combinations | Accounting

Control over a subsidiary was assumed to have been achieved through a single transaction. Obviously, Boeing's takeover of Alsalam shows that a combination also can be the result of a series of stock purchases. These step acquisitions fur­ther complicate the consolidation process. The financial information of the separate companies must still be brought together, but varying amounts of consideration have [...]

By |2018-05-16T07:35:57+00:00May 16, 2018|Consolidations|Comments Off on Consolidation by Step Acquisition | Business Combinations | Accounting

Intercompany Inventory Transactions | Consolidations | Accounting

Companies that make up a business combination frequently retain their legal identities as separate operating centers and maintain their own record-keeping. Thus, inventory sales between these companies trigger the independent accounting systems of both parties. The seller duly records revenue, and the buyer simultaneously enters the purchase into its accounts. For internal reporting purposes, recording an inventory transfer as a [...]

By |2018-05-16T07:35:57+00:00May 16, 2018|Intercompany Transactions|Comments Off on Intercompany Inventory Transactions | Consolidations | Accounting

Consolidations Subsequent to the Date of Acquisition | Accounting

In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Consolidation the Effects Created by the Passage of Time 2. Investment Accounting by the Acquiring Company 3. Subsequent Consolidation—Investment Recorded by the Equity Method 4. Subsequent Consolidation Investment Recorded Using Initial Value or Partial Equality Method 5. Contingent Consideration 6. Push-Down Accounting. Contents: Consolidation the Effects Created by the Passage of Time [...]

By |2018-05-16T07:35:57+00:00May 16, 2018|Consolidations|Comments Off on Consolidations Subsequent to the Date of Acquisition | Accounting
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