Tag Archives | Cost Auditor

Top 3 Roles of a Cost Auditor

This article throws light upon the top three roles of a cost auditor. The roles are: 1. As an 'Agent' 2. As an 'Officer' 3. As a 'Servant'. Role # 1. As an 'Agent': If the basis of appointment of the auditor by different parties is the criteria to establish relationship among different persons who are parties to the respective [...]

By |2016-06-14T08:47:17+00:00June 14, 2016|Cost Auditor|Comments Off on Top 3 Roles of a Cost Auditor

Top 3 Responsibilities of a Cost Auditor

This article throws light upon the top three responsibilities of a cost auditor. The responsibilities are: 1. Professional Responsibilities 2. Ethical Responsibilities 3. Legal Responsibilities. Responsibility # 1. Professional Responsibilities: The Council of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India has cast upon the cost auditors the following nature of responsibilities. (i) Responsibility to clients and confidentiality: He [...]

By |2016-06-14T08:47:17+00:00June 14, 2016|Cost Auditor|Comments Off on Top 3 Responsibilities of a Cost Auditor

Functional Responsibility of a Cost Auditor

After reading this article you will learn about the Functional Responsibility of a Cost Auditor. The expression that an auditor is a watch-dog and not a bloodhound was made in the course of judgment in a leading case- The Kingston Cotton Mills Company Ltd. A misfeasance action was taken by the liquidator against the auditor of the company to recover [...]

By |2016-06-14T08:47:17+00:00June 14, 2016|Cost Audit|Comments Off on Functional Responsibility of a Cost Auditor
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