Tag Archives | Public Revenue

Merits and Demerits of Progressive Taxation

After reading this article you will learn about the merits and demerits of progressive taxation. Merits of Progressive Taxation: Progressive taxation has been universally accepted as the best sys­tem of taxation. It is based on the application of principle of diminish­ing marginal utility of income and ability to pay. As income increases, marginal utility of income diminishes. Also, the higher [...]

By |2016-07-12T14:18:13+00:00July 12, 2016|Taxation|Comments Off on Merits and Demerits of Progressive Taxation

Incidence and Shifting of Tax: 12 Factors

This article throws light upon the twelve main factors determining the incidence and shifting of tax. The factors are: 1. Elasticity of Demand 2. Elasticity of Supply 3. Price acts an Engine of Shifting 4. Tax Area 5. Time Period 6. Coverage of Tax 7. Availability of Substitutes 8. Nature of Demand for Commodities 9. Business Conditions 10. Types of [...]

By |2016-07-12T14:18:13+00:00July 12, 2016|Tax Shifting|Comments Off on Incidence and Shifting of Tax: 12 Factors

Tax: Characteristics, Objectives and Canons

After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. Definition and Characteristics of Tax 2. Objectives of Taxation 3. Principles. Definition of Tax: In every country major part of the revenue is raised through taxation. According to Prof. Taylor "Taxes are compulsory payments to gov­ernments without expectations of direct return or benefit to the tax payer". Prof. Bastable "defined a [...]

By |2016-07-12T14:18:13+00:00July 12, 2016|Public Revenue|Comments Off on Tax: Characteristics, Objectives and Canons
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